5:00 PM17:00

Guilded Age Art Tour | First Friday Albany

The Cathedral of All Saints is joining First Fridays Albany by being open to the public on the first Friday of the month from 5PM to 7PM and offering a tour of the cathedral at 5:30PM. Self-guided tours are also available.

Tour the Gilded Age through the art of The Cathedral of All Saints! A unique example of Gothic Revival architecture with real flying buttresses and stained-glass windows by LaFarge and Clayton and Bell, the cathedral sits beside the State Education Building on South Swan St. Your tour will take you into the heart of this hidden gem through its history, art, and symbols of sacred beauty contained in its stone interior elaborately carved with images of flora and fauna, memorials to state governors and families of prominent figures of the Gilded Age.

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9:30 AM09:30

The Nicean Creed turns 1700: Annual Bible Symposium with Dr. Khaled Emmanuel Anatolios

Learn more about Dr. Anatolios: https://theology.nd.edu/people/khaled-anatolios/

The Bible Symposium in 2025 will be a joint celebration between The Cathedral of All Saints and The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for the 1700th anniversary of the Nicean Creed. This basic summary of the Christian faith is said in thousands of churches of all denominations throughout the world each Sunday. What are the Biblical roots of this creed? What is the history behind it? Why is it still important today?

Our keynote speaker will be Fr. Khaled Anatolios, who is the Chair of the Department of Theology and the John A. O'Brien professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is a convert from Islam and a priest of the Byzantine Rite which though part of the Roman Catholic Church follows the liturgy and many of the customs of Eastern Orthodoxy. He is the author of numerous books including Retrieving Nicaea,  The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine.

Tickets information coming soon………

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Open Studio Sundays the Cathedral
12:00 PM12:00

Open Studio Sundays the Cathedral

The Cathedral is open fourth Sunday afternoons for contemplative art-making and meditation. An attendance-optional presentation lasting 30 - 45 minutes begins just after noon and ends by 1PM. In March Brynna Carpenter-Nardone will give a talk on charcoal portrait drawing.

Doors will close after the presentation for time for silence and creativity for participants.

Please use only odorless and non-staining materials and a drop cloth. This is a free program of Cathedral Arts: donations are welcome.

Please fill out the form below so we know to expect you:

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11:00 AM11:00

Free Coffee Social at the Thrift Shop

Cathedral of All Saints Siena College interns to host coffee hour this Thursday 3/20 from 11am-1pm 

Siena College interns working with the Cathedral this semester will host a free coffee hour from 11-1pm this coming Thursday, March 20th.  The event will take place while the Thrift Shop is open for business. It will give shoppers and the public an opportunity to enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Cathedral. 

Alysson Sanzo and Yasemin Knott, Seniors in Siena’s Social Work Department, have been helping with various Cathedral community services, including English as a Second Language, Childhood literacy initiatives, and the Cathedral thrift shop. 

“We want to share with others who may never have been in the Cathedral the inspiring experience seeing the Cathedral was for us the first time we encountered it this semester,” the two said in a statement announcing their event. 

The Cathedral Thrift Shop is open Thursdays from 10AM to 2PM with access through the alley between the Cathedral and State Education Building.

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7:00 PM19:00

Christianity 101 (Hybrid) Preparation for Baptism & Confirmation

Christianity 101 is a course on the basics of the Christian Faith for those preparing for Baptism or who wish to renew their Baptismal commitment at the Great Vigil of Easter. It is also good preparation for Confirmation by a bishop if you have not been confirmed or for reception into The Episcopal Church by those confirmed by a bishop in another church body. Meetings are held on Tuesdays from March 4 through April 8.

 This course will also be a great Lenten practice for anyone who would like to refresh their understanding of the basics of the faith. You can attend the course in person at the Cathedral or online. The instructor is Jonathan Kimmel, the Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Jon has two advanced degrees in theology and is known for his relaxed and user friendly teaching style. The course will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Please fill out the form below to receive the Zoom link or to let Jon know you will attend in person at the offices across from the Cathedral..

Jon Kimmel, the Cathedral of All Saints Director of Christian Formation, will lead the study.
Jon has ministered as a volunteer, church planter, and full-time pastoral worker in New England, Thailand, and Hong Kong, and it was in Hong Kong that Jon was introduced to and embraced the Anglican/Episcopal tradition. Jon has a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Diploma in Anglican Studies, and is completing a Master of Sacred Theology. In his free time, Jon enjoys traveling, exercising, watching movies, and playing board games, especially with his wife and son.

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Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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7:00 PM19:00

Christianity 101 (Hybrid) Preparation for Baptism & Confirmation

Christianity 101 is a course on the basics of the Christian Faith for those preparing for Baptism or who wish to renew their Baptismal commitment at the Great Vigil of Easter. It is also good preparation for Confirmation by a bishop if you have not been confirmed or for reception into The Episcopal Church by those confirmed by a bishop in another church body. Meetings are held on Tuesdays from March 4 through April 8.

 This course will also be a great Lenten practice for anyone who would like to refresh their understanding of the basics of the faith. You can attend the course in person at the Cathedral or online. The instructor is Jonathan Kimmel, the Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Jon has two advanced degrees in theology and is known for his relaxed and user friendly teaching style. The course will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Please fill out the form below to receive the Zoom link or to let Jon know you will attend in person at the offices across from the Cathedral..

Jon Kimmel, the Cathedral of All Saints Director of Christian Formation, will lead the study.
Jon has ministered as a volunteer, church planter, and full-time pastoral worker in New England, Thailand, and Hong Kong, and it was in Hong Kong that Jon was introduced to and embraced the Anglican/Episcopal tradition. Jon has a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Diploma in Anglican Studies, and is completing a Master of Sacred Theology. In his free time, Jon enjoys traveling, exercising, watching movies, and playing board games, especially with his wife and son.

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Evensong & Organ Recital
2:30 PM14:30

Evensong & Organ Recital

The Cathedral Choir sings at 3PM after an organ recital at 2:30 PM.

Choral Evensong is a form of worship enjoyed by Christians of all denominations and by anyone who enjoys traditional choral music. It has been one of the three principal liturgies of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition since 1549. The liturgy is alternately sung or chanted by the choir or clergy and the congregation sings appointed hymns. Psalms are said or sung, followed by readings from Old and New Testaments, punctuated by canticles.

All are welcome. Please join us!

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5:00 PM17:00

Guilded Age Art Tour | First Friday Albany

The Cathedral of All Saints is joining First Fridays Albany by being open to the public on the first Friday of the month from 5PM to 7PM and offering a tour of the cathedral at 5:30PM. Self-guided tours are also available.

Tour the Gilded Age through the art of The Cathedral of All Saints! A unique example of Gothic Revival architecture with real flying buttresses and stained-glass windows by LaFarge and Clayton and Bell, the cathedral sits beside the State Education Building on South Swan St. Your tour will take you into the heart of this hidden gem through its history, art, and symbols of sacred beauty contained in its stone interior elaborately carved with images of flora and fauna, memorials to state governors and families of prominent figures of the Gilded Age.

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Ash Wednesday
7:00 AM07:00

Ash Wednesday

The Cathedral of All Saints will offer Mass with the Imposition of Ashes at 7 AM, 12:05 PM, and 7 PM.

The clergy will be administering Ashes at all services. Ashes will be administered on the forehead in the traditional manner. Please note that you are not required to receive the imposition of Ashes and that the service is a reverent and full beginning of Lent without Ashes.

Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness.

From the Collect for Ash Wednesday

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7:00 PM19:00

Christianity 101 (Hybrid) Preparation for Baptism & Confirmation

Christianity 101 is a course on the basics of the Christian Faith for those preparing for Baptism or who wish to renew their Baptismal commitment at the Great Vigil of Easter. It is also good preparation for Confirmation by a bishop if you have not been confirmed or for reception into The Episcopal Church by those confirmed by a bishop in another church body. Meetings are held on Tuesdays from March 4 through April 8.

 This course will also be a great Lenten practice for anyone who would like to refresh their understanding of the basics of the faith. You can attend the course in person at the Cathedral or online. The instructor is Jonathan Kimmel, the Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Jon has two advanced degrees in theology and is known for his relaxed and user friendly teaching style. The course will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Please fill out the form below to receive the Zoom link or to let Jon know you will attend in person at the offices across from the Cathedral.

Jon Kimmel, the Cathedral of All Saints Director of Christian Formation, will lead the study.
Jon has ministered as a volunteer, church planter, and full-time pastoral worker in New England, Thailand, and Hong Kong, and it was in Hong Kong that Jon was introduced to and embraced the Anglican/Episcopal tradition. Jon has a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Diploma in Anglican Studies, and is completing a Master of Sacred Theology. In his free time, Jon enjoys traveling, exercising, watching movies, and playing board games, especially with his wife and son.

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Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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Evensong & Organ Recital
2:30 PM14:30

Evensong & Organ Recital

The Cathedral Choir sings at 3PM after an organ recital at 2:30 PM.

Choral Evensong is a form of worship enjoyed by Christians of all denominations and by anyone who enjoys traditional choral music. It has been one of the three principal liturgies of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition since 1549. The liturgy is alternately sung or chanted by the choir or clergy and the congregation sings appointed hymns. Psalms are said or sung, followed by readings from Old and New Testaments, punctuated by canticles.

All are welcome. Please join us!

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Annual Mass & Commemoration of King Charles I, Martyr
11:00 AM11:00

Annual Mass & Commemoration of King Charles I, Martyr

Please join us and the Bishop King Society on Saturday, 25 January, as we commemorate the life of Charles I of England, King & Martyr, with a traditional sung high-Anglican Mass with hymns.  All are welcome. Click HERE for the history behind the service.

Clergy are requested to arrive at the Cathedral at 10:30AM to vest in red for the service.

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Grief & Meaning Making Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Making Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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Cathedral in Bloom, Sunday
12:00 PM12:00

Cathedral in Bloom, Sunday

Cathedral in Bloom 2024, January 17-19

Cathedral in Bloom, the area's premier flower show, is back for 2025! Enjoy the glory of the architecture of The Cathedral of All Saints combined with the talents of the some of the Capital Region's and northeast's floral artists.  Regardless of the weather outside, it will be Spring inside the Cathedral!

Dozens of floral displays, workshops and presentations will be offered by floral professionals. Guided and self-guided tours, a cafe, and a flower market will welcome you, along with organ recitals with music inspired by flowers.

Special tickets for the The Great Indoor Garden Party on Friday evening at 7PM with a silent auction and live music are required and must be purchased in advance.  Tickets are also available for Saturday's Afternoon Tea!

Unlimited Admission tickets are good for General Admission for each of the three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) are available. General and Senior Admission tickets are good for only one of any of the three days of the event and may be purchased online and at the door. Children under ten will be admitted for free. All tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable.


Questions: bloom@cathedralofallsaints.org

Hours for 2025:
11:00 - 6:00 Friday
9:00 - 6:00 Saturday
12:00 - 5:00 Sunday

A working schedule of the event will be forthcoming.

Cathedral in Bloom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CathedralinBloom/

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Cathedral in Bloom, Saturday
9:00 AM09:00

Cathedral in Bloom, Saturday

Cathedral in Bloom 2024, January 17-19

Cathedral in Bloom, the area's premier flower show, is back for 2025! Enjoy the glory of the architecture of The Cathedral of All Saints combined with the talents of the some of the Capital Region's and northeast's floral artists.  Regardless of the weather outside, it will be Spring inside the Cathedral!

Dozens of floral displays, workshops and presentations will be offered by floral professionals. Guided and self-guided tours, a cafe, and a flower market will welcome you, along with organ recitals with music inspired by flowers.

Special tickets for the The Great Indoor Garden Party on Friday evening at 7PM with a silent auction and live music are required and must be purchased in advance.  

Tickets for Saturday's Afternoon Tea have sold out.

Unlimited Admission tickets are good for General Admission for each of the three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) are available. General and Senior Admission tickets are good for only one of any of the three days of the event and may be purchased online and at the door. Children under ten will be admitted for free. All tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable.


Questions: bloom@cathedralofallsaints.org

Hours for 2025:
11:00 - 6:00 Friday
9:00 - 6:00 Saturday
12:00 - 5:00 Sunday

A working schedule of the event will be forthcoming.

Cathedral in Bloom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CathedralinBloom/

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FOR ARTISTS - Cathedral in Bloom Open Studio
8:30 AM08:30

FOR ARTISTS - Cathedral in Bloom Open Studio


Draw and paint the flowers of Cathedral in Bloom! This time of art and reflection in the sacred space of the Cathedral is free for those regularly practicing art.

Please use only odorless and non-staining materials and a drop cloth.

No free entry to Cathedral in Bloom after 8:45 AM.

Photos of the event will be taken and shared with the public. Available only to those who preregister by filling out the form below.


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Cathedral in Bloom, Friday
11:00 AM11:00

Cathedral in Bloom, Friday

Cathedral in Bloom 2024, January 17-19

Cathedral in Bloom, the area's premier flower show, is back for 2025! Enjoy the glory of the architecture of The Cathedral of All Saints combined with the talents of the some of the Capital Region's and northeast's floral artists.  Regardless of the weather outside, it will be Spring inside the Cathedral!

Dozens of floral displays, workshops and presentations will be offered by floral professionals. Guided and self-guided tours, a cafe, and a flower market will welcome you, along with organ recitals with music inspired by flowers.

Special tickets for the The Great Indoor Garden Party on Friday evening at 7PM with a silent auction and live music are required and must be purchased in advance.  Tickets are also available for Saturday's Afternoon Tea!

Unlimited Admission tickets are good for General Admission for each of the three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) are available. General and Senior Admission tickets are good for only one of any of the three days of the event and may be purchased online and at the door. Children under ten will be admitted for free. All tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable.


Questions: bloom@cathedralofallsaints.org

Hours for 2025:
11:00 - 6:00 Friday
9:00 - 6:00 Saturday
12:00 - 5:00 Sunday

A working schedule of the event will be forthcoming.

Cathedral in Bloom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CathedralinBloom/

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Evensong & Organ Recital
2:30 PM14:30

Evensong & Organ Recital

The Cathedral Choir sings at 3PM after an organ recital at 2:30 PM.

Choral Evensong is a form of worship enjoyed by Christians of all denominations and by anyone who enjoys traditional choral music. It has been one of the three principal liturgies of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition since 1549. The liturgy is alternately sung or chanted by the choir or clergy and the congregation sings appointed hymns. Psalms are said or sung, followed by readings from Old and New Testaments, punctuated by canticles.

All are welcome. Please join us!

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Grief & Meaning Making Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Making Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. (We will not meet 12/27/24.)

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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Feast of The Epiphany
7:00 PM19:00

Feast of The Epiphany

A Mass for the Feast of The Epiphany will be offered on Monday, 6 January at 7 PM, with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

O God, who by the leading of a star didst manifest thy only-begotten Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know thee now by faith, to thy presence, where we may behold thy glory face to face.

From the Collect for The Epiphany

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A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
7:00 PM19:00

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

The Cathedral Choir sings A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols with music for brass and organ beginning at 6:30 PM.

Loved by millions, the Festival of Nine Lesson and Carols is a traditional part of the run-up to Christmas for many families.

The original service was devised by E. W. Benson, the first Bishop of Truro and later Archbishop of Canterbury.

According to his son A. C. Benson (who wrote the words to Elgar's 'Land of Hope and Glory'), his father "arranged from ancient sources a little service for Christmas Eve – nine carols and nine tiny lessons, which were read by various officers of the Church, beginning with a chorister, and ending, through the different grades, with the Bishop."

It was Eric Milner-White, Dean of King's College Cambridge, who brought the service to the masses beginning in 1918. Deciding the Festival would be more uplifting than Evensong on Christmas Eve, he set up the Festival as an annual occurrence at King's College Chapel and achieve instant popularity, spreading his new idea to schools, chapels and churches around the world.

*Please arrive early to ensure available seating..

For the story of the Festival watch the video below narrated by our Dean, The Very Rev. Fr Leander S. Harding, PhD ,and produced by our Director of Communications, Stephanie Demers:

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Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group
10:30 AM10:30

Grief & Meaning Makers' Zoom Group

As the title of C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed implies, each grief is unique. We do not “get over” a loss, but rather we integrate it so we can love and hope as people respecting our loss as part of our lives. Together we will read sacred texts, grief experiences and grief theory to support our making meaning and approach to living.

Anyone thinking about grief is welcome. This group offers spiritual companionship and is not a substitution for grief therapy. Led by Brynna Carpenter-Nardone, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, artist, writer and Director of Cathedral Arts.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Please fill out the form below in which you may list questions & concerns. Brynna will send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

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Eye for Advent on Zoom
8:00 PM20:00

Eye for Advent on Zoom

Join Cathedral arts missioner and spiritual director Brynna Carpenter-Nardone for engaging the “eye of the heart” through art to watch for Christ this Advent season.

The presentation will begin at 8 PM and end by 8:35 PM, with an option for discussion after the closing prayer. After the meeting ends, you will receive an email with images and notes from the retreat.

Please fill out the form below to register. You only need register once to attend both sessions.

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Rosary and Society of Mary Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Rosary and Society of Mary Meeting

A Ward of the Society of Mary, which is open to all, has been formed at The Cathedral of All Saints. The website of the Society is https://somamerica.org/. 

The monthly meeting of the Society will be immediately after the Rosary, following the 9 AM Mass on the first Saturday of the month.  Light refreshments will be served.

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Eye for Advent on Zoom
8:00 PM20:00

Eye for Advent on Zoom

Join Cathedral arts missioner and spiritual director Brynna Carpenter-Nardone for engaging the “eye of the heart” through art to watch for Christ this Advent season.

The presentation will begin at 8 PM and end by 8:35 PM, with an option for discussion after the closing prayer. After the meeting ends, you will receive an email with images and notes from the retreat.

Please fill out the form below to register. You only need register once to attend both sessions.

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