Christianity 101 is a course on the basics of the Christian Faith for those preparing for Baptism or who wish to renew their Baptismal commitment at the Great Vigil of Easter. It is also good preparation for Confirmation by a bishop if you have not been confirmed or for reception into The Episcopal Church by those confirmed by a bishop in another church body. Meetings are held on Tuesdays from March 4 through April 8.
This course will also be a great Lenten practice for anyone who would like to refresh their understanding of the basics of the faith. You can attend the course in person at the Cathedral or online. The instructor is Jonathan Kimmel, the Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Jon has two advanced degrees in theology and is known for his relaxed and user friendly teaching style. The course will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Please fill out the form below to receive the Zoom link or to let Jon know you will attend in person at the offices across from the Cathedral.
Jon Kimmel, the Cathedral of All Saints Director of Christian Formation, will lead the study.
Jon has ministered as a volunteer, church planter, and full-time pastoral worker in New England, Thailand, and Hong Kong, and it was in Hong Kong that Jon was introduced to and embraced the Anglican/Episcopal tradition. Jon has a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Diploma in Anglican Studies, and is completing a Master of Sacred Theology. In his free time, Jon enjoys traveling, exercising, watching movies, and playing board games, especially with his wife and son.