Dean — The Cathedral of All Saints
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the very reverend dr. Leander S. Harding

Father Leander S. Harding began serving as the 21st Dean of the Cathedral of All Saints on Palm Sunday in 2017. Dean Harding has over 40 years of experience in ordained leadership. He holds a B.A. from New College in Sarasota, FL and an M.Div, cum laude from Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, MA. He earned a Ph.D. from Boston College in Pastoral Theology. He has been the rector of rural, suburban and urban parishes and was for eight years Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Dean of Seminary Advancement at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. He has a background in business and was awarded a scholarship for advanced management training by the W. Edward Deming foundation. He is the author of four books including, In the Breaking of the Bread, a book of meditations on the Eucharist in Anglican perspective.  He assists the Bishop as one of the Archdeacons of the Diocese.  

The Dean is inspired by the Anglo-Catholic tradition of worshiping God in the beauty of holiness. He longs for a church that is catholic in order and sacraments, evangelical in sharing the good news of God’s love made known in Jesus Christ and alive in the Holy Spirit. He continues his theological work of research and writing and has a special interest in the conversation between theology and science and theology and the arts.  In his preaching, teaching and writing he aims at communicating the basics of Christian faith simply and clearly in such a way that people fall in love with God.

Dean Harding has been married to Claudia Harding for over 50 years and they have three adult sons. The Dean began his ordained ministry as a mission priest in far northern Maine where he and Mrs. Harding supported the ministry by sheep farming. He enjoys sailing, hiking and playing American roots music on the ukulele and harmonica.

Currently you can find Dean Harding livestreaming services on Facebook and Youtube.