Poetry invokes a presence, whether it be of apples, a day above the ruins of an abbey, or God. This course will use Gerard Manley Hopkins’ “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection” as a jumping off point for discerning the presence of God. We will read this poem closely, and then turn to a more contemporary poem where the same themes are expressed, albeit with a modern lens. We will end with a consideration of how poetry can help us discern the presence of God in all beings.
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Evan Craig Reardon is a poet and is the electronic services librarian for Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He is archives and poetry consultant for the Cathedral of All Saints. Evan holds master’s degrees in Library and Information Science and English Literature. Before Evan moved to Wisconsin (where he also is a seminarian), Evan was the librarian and archivist for the Flow Chart Foundation.