Poet and fiction writer Marly Youmans was a congregant at the Cathedral in the 80’s and 90’s, when her family lived in the Albany area. We still see her at special Cathedral events such as Jeremy Begbie’s music performance-lecture and Michael Ward’s lecture on the Bible and C. S. Lewis. Now she extends her support and encouragement for the Cathedral’s mission in the arts from Cooperstown.
Dear Cathedral Arts Readers,
How are you all doing now that we have had almost a month and a half of isolation? While one day seems to flow into another, what is spontaneous and unexpected is the creative response to this time. While we are missing much, we have opportunities that we would not have if our lives had not shifted. Consider the online services and upcoming events on this website and how you might join us in connecting to art, to God, and to each other.
Today you can hear Marly Youmans, the keynote speaker for the Hidden Cathedral Poetry Festival which has been postponed until April 24. 2021, read for us on YouTube. You can visit Marly’s website here to read about her many books and their reviews, including her contributions to a project born of pandemic, A New Decameron. Since we cannot have our poetry festival this year, for us Marly has recorded herself reading from her most recent book of poems, The Book of the Red King.
These well-formed poems that recall ancient myths and fairy tales as they combine in the inner lives of their characters, illuminated with drawings of too-large fantastic animals and figures from seeming-Assyrian art, read by Marly in her living room, come to us in way unique to this time like a postcard from a friend who is on an adventure at home. And is this not what we need from writers and poets like Marly in all times—to be skilled guides and trusted friends who invite us on adventure forged in solitude?
Click here for the three videos of Marly reading from The Book of the Red King, illustrated by Clive Hicks-Jenkins, on YouTube.
We look forward to seeing you and Marly next year. Take care of yourselves and stay in touch.
Marly with illuminations by Clive Hicks-Jenkins