In part one of this post, Luke Stromberg reads his poems
after explaining his personal connection to our cathedral. (You might see his brother, the Reverend Canon Matthew Stromberg, in Luke’s photo below.)
Luke also offers context for the poems he selected and how they relate to life, faith, and doubt.
Theologian Paul Tillich wrote, “If faith is understood as being ultimately concerned, doubt is a necessary element in it. It is a consequence of the risk of faith.”
Creatives take the risk of making the unknown manifest. Poets collect what ultimately concerns them, making poetic forms though which we receive these things. I wonder if this why poetry, even as it mystifies, makes its writers and readers more alive?
Luke Stromberg's poetry and criticism have appeared in Smartish Pace, The Hopkins Review, The New Criterion, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Golidad Review, Think Journal, The Raintown Review, The Dark Horse, Cassandra Voices, and several other venues. He also serves as the Associate Poetry Editor of E-Verse Radio. Luke works as an adjunct professor at Eastern University and La Salle University and lives in Upper Darby, PA.
Part two begins a series with Marly Youmans……
Poet and novelist Marly Youmans made twenty-four (yes, 24!) short readings of the work of contemporary poets. A few have permissions that have expired, but most remain accessible on YouTube.
To read Marly’s post on Easter and other treasures and marvels, click HERE
Invitation: Come along, while Marly Youmans reads poems for The Hidden Cathedral Poetry Festival
3. Jane Greer, "This Blue" and "On Nearing Our Thirty-fifth Anniversary”
4. Maryann Corbett, “Alcuin: Concerning a Nightingale” from MID EVIL